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Body Paragraphs in Literary Analysis Essays | Essay Writing Guide

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Help your students improve their essay writing skills with this simple, how-to guide for body paragraphs in a literary analysis essay. I've broken down each "piece" of the body paragraph to help students write their own polished essays.

This lesson includes information on how to structure the body paragraph, how to write a topic sentence, how to write about textual evidence, and more! 

When you purchase this product you'll receive:

- Fully editable presentation on writing body paragraphs

- Fully editable student workbook and guided notes on writing a body paragraph

- Video of presentation so you could send it home with students/use for remediation/etc.

- Editing guide for students

- Multiple examples

- Rubric for body paragraph

Total Pages: 50 pages
Answer Key: Rubric only
Teaching Duration: 3 days